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Our list of tools

Welcome to SlashLogs tools

Our website is your one-stop destination for all your text generation, electricity cost calculation, and base 64 decoding needs.

With our easy-to-use tools, you can quickly and accurately generate high-quality text, calculate the cost of your electricity usage, and decode base 64 strings with ease. Whether you’re a writer, a homeowner, or a developer, SlashLogs has something for everyone. So why wait? Start exploring our tools today and see how SlashLogs can help you streamline your work and make your life easier.

Checkout our tools:

Electricity Costs Calculator

Calculator for the running costs of electric appliances. Input Watts and Hours of use and get your results. Free, simple and fast calculation. Open tool

String lenght counter online

Simple and fast string lenght online tool. Updates on the fly so you dont lose time. Open tool

Lorem Ipsum generator online

Simple and fast Lorem Ipsum live generator with word count. Open tool

Base64 String encoder decoder

Here you can encode or decode a string to base64 localy without it even leaving your browser. Open tool